49-Cent Friday: Refashioning Baggy Pants Into Skinny Jeans

Hey everyone!

I hope you all are having a fantastic week!

For this week’s refashion I wanted to show you how I easily turned a pair of too-big and baggy pants into some nicely-fitted, skinny jeans.

I began with this pair of ever-so-slightly stretchy, coral jeans I snagged for a measly 49-cents…

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Big and baggy.

I really liked the bright, cheery color, but I didn’t like the baggy legs and the fact that the pants were 3 sizes too big for me.

The first thing I did was try them on inside out and pin the sides in, using safety pins, so as not to poke myself or lose any pins when removing the pants.

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

My legs have wings!

I could have taken these pants in from the inseam (and if the seams were flat-felled, it probably would have been better to do it that way), but since the pants were too big in the hips, I took them in from the outside seam all the way up to my waist (as the above picture shows).

Hint: Another thing you could do is take an existing pair of skinny jeans that fit well, and use them as a pattern for the pants you want to alter.

After pinning in the sides and removing the jeans, I replaced the safety pins with regular pins and got to stitchin’!

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Stitch it all around…

Once both sides were sewn, I tried them on to make sure they fit perfectly.
Then I trimmed off the wings excess material, and that’s it!

All done!

Well, it would’ve been done except for one thing…

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

…adding pockets!

That’s right.

There’s nothing that bothers me more than pants with no pockets.

(Well I’m sure I could think of things that actually bother me more, but you get my drift right?)

I grabbed the wings  excess material I trimmed off earlier, and used the bottom, hemmed portion to make pockets…

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Yay for pockets!

Lookin’ good huh?
I used my phone as a guide on how big to make my pockets.
I wanted to make sure it would fit in there without hanging out or falling out.

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

All done!

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

It fits!

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

These pants make great skinny jeans because they’re made from a cotton/polyester blend with a bit of spandex mixed it. The little bit of stretch in the fabric makes the fit even better.

Refashioning a too-big and baggy pair of pants into skinny jeans | Diary of a MadMama

I’m really loving my skinny jeans.
I have a lot more jeans/pants that I’m going to have to get busy skinny-fying!

Have a great week ya’all!

59 thoughts on “49-Cent Friday: Refashioning Baggy Pants Into Skinny Jeans

  1. Great job! When you used safety pins instead of regular pins for the initial fitting, it made a light bulb go off in my head…why had I never thought of that before?! My pins are always coming out or skewering me when I do fittings like this. And that was a stroke of genius using your phone as the pocket template. You’re skinnies turned out great, coral is one of my favorite colors!

    • Thanks so much Desarae!
      I’m really liking them! They’re very comfy!
      After poking myself too many times, or losing pins, the lightbulb finally went off for me too! 😉
      Have a great weekend! 🙂

  2. Hola que tal, definitivamente el color es hermoso a mi tambien me ha encantado, y que bien los ajustó a su cuerpo, con todo respeto se vé muy bien, la felicito por todo lo que hace, pareciera ud. el rey midas todo lo que toca lo convierte hermoso (no en oro aquí, por supuesto) pero todo le queda de maravilla, gracias por compartir sus ideas. hasta pronto y que tenga un buen fin de semana.

    • Muchas gracias por sus lindos comentarios! Esto era mucho más fácil de lo primero que esperaba demasiado, por lo que definitivamente le voy a remodelar muchos más de mis pantalones anchos.
      Que tengan un buen fin de semana! Sea bendito!

  3. You make the pin & sew thing look so easy- but you have talent. I’ve tried a few times and never had much luck! I just love seeing what you come up with:) cute jeans!

    • Thanks Laurie! I love all of the bright-colored skinny jeans that I keep seeing in the stores. The cheapest ones I’ve seen new were $18. at Target. I’m too much of a cheapskate to pay that,so I was thrilled to find these ones for so cheap! I also have found a purple and yellow pair at garage sales, but had to dish out a whole dollar for those! 😉

  4. I’m actually going to work on my son’s older jeans to make them skinny jeans for my daughter in the next couple of weeks….thanks for the picture tutorial!

  5. Oh, these look so fashionable and stylish now! I love your addition of pockets. Why didn’t I think of that before?? I have a few pairs of pants that don’t have back pockets and tend to look a little….bald, so think I may add some patch pockets.

  6. Hey Jen – these look fabulous! And 49c!! Lucky you!
    I also wanted to let you know that I can’ reply to your comments on my blog as you’re a no-reply comment blogger. I don’t know if you know this – someone recently told me and I found my settings had changed without me knowing, so I’m trying to let others know in case they have the same problem!


  8. Pingback: 49-Cent Friday Refashion: Lumberjack Swants (Sweater Pants) | Diary of a MadMama

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  10. will this work on the elastic type jeans? I have chicken legs, and all the jeans I try fit up top, but never in my legs cause my legs are so skinny…thank you for the tutorial! I have to try this now…you saved me from having to throw them all away!

  11. I love this idea. My only question is what did you do about the waist of the jeans? Did you have to alter that? I noticed the finished product doesn’t show it nor is it in the tutorial.

  12. Hi!
    I like your tutorial very much!
    But what do you do when the waist doesn’t
    Fit either? Do you just pin it end stitch it
    The same way? Or is there a different way needed for thar?

    • Thanks, Kaila! 🙂
      I believe I just used a straight stitch, however, since the material I used has a bit of stretch, I probably should’ve used a zigzag stitch. I still wear them all the time though and haven’t had any problems. 🙂
      Happy sewing!

  13. Pingback: 8 ideas to refashion your clothes | Inside Out Style

  14. Pingback: Update and Refashion Pants Tutorials You'll Love

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