49-Cent Friday: Men’s Dress Shirt to LBD Refashion

Hello everyone! Are you enjoying the summer heat?

For this week’s 49-cent Friday post I thought I would do a men’s dress shirt refashion.

My husband lost a lot of weight last year, and I wound up with all of his too-big dress shirts (Lucky me!).

And so I decided to refashion this plain black one into a little black dress.

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama


I wasn’t quite sure where to begin with this monstrosity……so I figured it’d be a safe bet to start by taking it in from the sides, and under the arms.

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Taking it in.

After it was perfectly pinned, I stitched it up and trimmed off the excess, as well as trimmed off part of the sleeves.

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Trimming it down.

I then tried the dress back onto my dress form to see how it looked.

After taking it in I thought, “Hey, that pocket looks weird!”

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Hmm, what shall I do with this?

I knew it couldn’t stay there, so I grabbed my seam ripper and started picking away…

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

pick pick pick

I decided I’d like to keep the pocket, and so I placed it in a better position…

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

I like the pocket better here.

After pinning it in place, I stitched it down.

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Sew on that pocket!

I then rolled up the sleeves and stitched them down at the seams to keep the cuffs in place.

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama


Now the dress would’ve been completed at this point if I were a little shorter (or less modest), but since I prefer having the length closer to my knee, I decided to add a panel onto my new frock.

Here’s what I had to choose from…

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

More fat guy shirts…Hmm, which shall I use?

I decided to go with the shirt in the middle.

I cut a strip off of the bottom of the shirt, pinned it just underneath the bottom hem of my black shirt, and then stitched them together…

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Adding some length

Almost done…but then I noticed that there was a lot of “gappage” at the bottom of my new dress. I didn’t want to have to add a bunch of buttons at the bottom to keep it closed, so I decided to just stitch it closed…

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Stitching the gap.

A quick press and it’s done!

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Pressing out the wrinkles.

So…what do you think?

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

Yay for pockets!

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

View of the back.

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama


I’m thinking I should find a matching tie and try to make a belt out of it to go with my new “dress” shirt (get it? “Dress” shirt?).

Men's Dress Shirt to Little Black Dress Refashion | Diary of a MadMama

So there you have it!

Here are some other cool men’s dress shirt refashions I’ve seen lately…





Finally, I still have some “fat husband” shirts left. Do you have any ideas about what I might do with them?

Go ahead and leave your refashiontastic comments below, and have fun in the sun!


Disclaimer: I asked my husband to look over this post before publishing it, and he added all the “fat husband” comments… didn’t want to offend anyone or have you think I was a total jerk! 😉

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79 thoughts on “49-Cent Friday: Men’s Dress Shirt to LBD Refashion

  1. SO STINKIN’ CUTE!!!! I’m off to the thrift store to hunt down some fat husband shirts. My husband hasn’t quite lost the weight he wants to lose and I’m not waiting for him to do it before I make this dress! : )

  2. You could use the others to make pillowcase dresses, if you have any non-black ones. Just a thought. (Or even pillows that can be abused by kids.)

  3. Oh.h.h. – this is one of my favorite re-do’s – not too much deconstructing and so cute. Lots of bang for your buck – or half a buck in this case!

  4. Love it!!!! The bottom piece is a really nice touch. It gives it a little color. I think you gave me a kick in the pants to finally do the men’s dress shirt refashion I’ve been putting off for a while, hahaha… It’s nice when you have a fiance like I do. He’s 6’8″ and is a lineman inn football (aka he’s huge and wears a 2XLT shirt)… so length isn’t an issue for refashioning with my 5’3″ height, haha!!!

    • Thanks Kyrie!
      That’s awesome!
      When I go to the thrift store to find clothing specifically for refashioning, I always try to find things that are longer, but usually don’t have a lot of luck. I’m just under 5’8″, and my husband’s only 5’9″, so no luck with his cast-offs when it comes to a lot of extra length.
      I’d love to see your refashions when you get them done! Make sure to send me a link! 😉

  5. This dress is adorable and cute and all those words! I love it! It is so flattering on you, too! Wow, you look really awesome in it. Tell your husband not to be so hard on himself. He lost all that weight, after all!

    • Wow thank you so much! 🙂 I think the hubs was just trying to be funny! 😉 we’ve been doing Couch to 5K together and he can totally outrun me! Pretty soon maybe he’ll have some more too-big clothes to give me. 🙂

  6. Wow! I was actually planning a dress refashion from a Man’s shirt and I was thinking of how to do it. I might mention you in a future post with this fab re-do! It would have also been cute without the second shirt added, it’s really lovely this way too!

  7. Your way of writing is hilarious and I love it! Found your blog through ajugas’s awards. I wish my crafting skills could translate to awesome refashions like yours. Keep up the good work! Definitely worth a follow.

  8. absolutely fantastic! you are so talented! I also have a couple of “fat guy shirts” that were my husbands before he lost some weight. One of them is a huge gingham shirt which I absolutely love. It’s on my list to get refashion but I’m not quite sure how to do it yet. xo

  9. Pingback: Tutorial – How to Refashion a Man’s Shirt into a Dress

  10. Pingback: Tutorial – How to Refashion a Man’s Shirt into a Dress | DIY Supplies

  11. The contrast fabric totally makes the dress. Well done.

    Sorry if it has been suggested already as a refashion, I didn’t read all the comments…I have used dress shirts to make aprons…fashioning them in a variety of ways. They are great gifts because they’re a super quick make using bias tape to finish them. 🙂

  12. So I just found your site and am rummaging through it and I love a lot of your refashions. I love this one in particular and hope to do this refashion! The only thing I would change about it is the panel at the bottom. I agree its a bit too short but I would add lace to the bottom as opposed to another piece of fabric. Do you have any tips for sewing with lace? I’ve never done it but really want to do it with this refashion.

  13. Pingback: Blogiversary and Giveaway! | Diary of a MadMama

  14. Hello! I found your article so funny, and the remodeling so original (especially thanks to the panel you added to make it longer) that I think I’ll keep an eye on your blog!
    Thank you! bye

  15. i found somewhere on a site where they took the men’s dress shirt like your’s and made a top with a peplon (?) skirt on it.. It was so cute, but I can’t find it now. Thought I saved it but can’t find where?? Maybe you can come up with it.

  16. I found this on allfreesewing.com, and reading through the comments, I found two bloggers I follow! I guess great company hangs out together. 🙂 I’ve used men’s shirts to make aprons, but not a dress yet. Very, very nice, and very becoming on you.

  17. Soooooooooo doing this with one of my father’s shirt. He has millions of them that doesn’t wear.
    Love from Argentina 😀

  18. If you still have a ‘fat husband’ shirt, one idea is to trim it down underarm and sides as you did first one. Then cut it off straight about 2-3 inches below natural waist and hem. This looks cute with jeans or skirt or halter dress. It swings sweetly I have found and you pick up good breezes. I can’t take pics for you–no camera at this time.

  19. Love it. I have several shirts that belonged to my Dad that passed last year. I was thinking of pillows but I’m gonna try this first.

  20. What a pretty little dress hun. And you look so cute in it. Great job. It looks wonderful. Also: “way to go” for your husband.:-)

  21. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’14 – Day Thirty | Diary of a MadMama

  22. Pingback: 10 ways of men’s shirt refashion: tips and useful articles | Go ask Alisa

  23. Pingback: DIY Female Dresses With Men Shirts | NewNise

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