Me-Made-May ’14 – Day Nineteen

Remember this summer dress?

Me-Made-May '14 | Day Nineteen | Diary of a MadMama #MMMay14

This was my summer dress challenge for the Refashion Runway Season One.

It began as this: Continue reading

Me-Made-May ’14 – Day Seventeen

Today’s Me-Made garment was not a refashion, but even quicker and easier than a refashion would’ve been!

Me-Made-May '14 | Day Seventeen | Diary of a MadMama #MMMay14


I purchased the material from Continue reading

Me-Made-May ’14 – Day Eight

Whew! Today was a scorcher! I knew we were supposed to get some unseasonably warm weather today, but I didn’t realize it was going to get this hot…

Me-Made-May '14 | Day Eight | Diary of a MadMama #MMMay14

As you can see from my car’s temperature gauge, it came close to 90-degrees today. We were all sweatin’ like pigs and wishing that we were at the other house so that we could go jump in the lake to cool off! Instead, we chose to hang out at the park.

Luckily I had packed this sleeveless top that I refashioned as part of my “copycat” challenge for season one of Refashion Runway.

Me-Made-May '14 | Day Eight | Diary of a MadMama #MMMay14

The picture that I chose to copy came from

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